Do you know what a DNVB is? If you don’t (yet) know the meaning of this acronym, there’s no doubt you are familiar with some of them. These independent companies, known as “Digital Native Vertical Brands”, emerged on the Internet. They have experienced phenomenal success; according to a study conducted by Digital Native Group, there were 344 in France in 2019 compared to 592 in 2021. Their combined revenue reached €2.7 billion, with growth significantly outpacing traditional retail. More than 60% produce in France, and nearly 45% of them are led by women. The fashion industry is one area where these companies have seen particularly remarkable growth. How can we explain this success? Here are some insights with a brief overview of the 5 most powerful fashion DNVBs in France.

Anatomy of Success
A Digital Project
These companies share a number of common points that were conceptualized from their inception. They have relied on a vertical and direct operation. The distribution of their products is done via e-commerce through their own online store. The purchase is made with a single click, favoring impulse buys. Promotion relies on the power of social media and digital word-of-mouth. However, this alone likely does not explain their success. Each of these successful companies has managed to be innovative and disruptive enough to establish itself and conquer its niche. This conquest, often rapid, has mostly been achieved through a policy of aggressive pricing or by identifying a niche market in which the brand has established itself. Furthermore, they often place the question of values at the heart of their project. For the clothing sector, this notably includes eco-responsible production or the “Made in France” certification, but these are not the only values.
Certain Advantages
The choice to found a digital company rather than a traditional physical business is not just a passing digital trend. It is also a sound economic choice.
- The absence of stores and intermediaries allows for significant cost reduction. E-commerce plays its role perfectly here. For fashion DNVBs, a size recommendation tool like that offered by Fitle ensures personalized and effective advice.
- The brand identity is very strong, built on clearly displayed values. This helps to solidify a community of loyal consumers who share these same values. This community serves as a very effective and completely free advertising vector.
- Born on the Internet, these brands master all the codes. They utilize the possibilities offered by each of the most popular social media platforms. They have thus become adept at the art of “storytelling.” Their primary target is the group of “millennials,” those consumers born at the beginning of the 21st century with a phone in hand. Through constant interaction with their customers on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or Facebook, they gather data and increase their notoriety.
Five Powerful Fashion DNVBs in France
Le Slip Français
One of the most well-known and iconic DNVBs. Its founder, Guillaume Gibault, freshly graduated from a business school, took on a challenge in 2011: to sell underwear. He rose to this challenge by working on a very original positioning at the time. Each pair of underwear sold would be entirely made in France. The time was not yet ripe for the reindustrialization of France, making this a bold bet. This gamble paid off through highly effective communication around quirky products like the “underwear that smells good,” which incorporates fragrance microcapsules. By relying on a communication style that doesn’t take itself too seriously, Le Slip Français has managed to consolidate its success. The company now has its own stores and has expanded its product range (men’s and women’s fashion, accessories…). The brand’s ethical commitment has only strengthened, propelled by a proudly displayed slogan: “Changing fashion, changing the world.”
Asphalte is a company based in Bordeaux, originally specialized in ready-to-wear for men. Its founder, William Hauvette, has managed to develop a very high level of brand loyalty, with 75% of its customers repurchasing a product within 24 months. This is the perfect illustration of the concept of community. However, this community can only aggregate around a strong value, and Asphalte has understood this perfectly. The company claims its eco-responsible philosophy. Quality clothing that is cheaper than elsewhere and designed to last: that is the promise. Stocks have nearly disappeared since clothes are only produced after the closing of a pre-order campaign. Even more original is the brilliant idea of co-creation. Customers fill out a questionnaire to help the brand determine the clothes for the upcoming collection. The concept of “consum’actors” has never taken on such a dimension. Thanks to these values, which are the brand’s standards, success remains unwavering. Asphalte is now successfully entering women’s ready-to-wear and has solid ambitions for international expansion.
Balzac Paris
The bow tie. That was originally the niche of Balzac Paris, a small family business founded in 2014 by a trio of entrepreneurs. Committed to an eco-responsible approach, the company has climbed all the rungs of success. It has even become a “mission-driven company” by agreeing to donate a portion of the profits from certain products to Emmaüs. Balzac Paris relies heavily on feedback and wishes from its community. It must be said that Chrysoline de Gastines, co-founder and former community manager at “Marie-Claire maisons” and “Marie-Claire idées,” has a deep understanding of social media and digital communication. Balzac Paris, which has recognized the benefits of the size recommendation tool developed by Fitle, continually diversifies its activities: men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, leather goods, and a project for cosmetic products in 2024. In 2022, it opened its first store in Paris, signaling that DNVBs are also capable of transcending their own codes.
This relatively young company was founded by Morgane Sézalory in 2013. By betting on a strong customer relationship, Sézane fully utilizes social media. The number of photos or videos posted by satisfied customers is countless. A brand couldn’t hope for better publicity. Morgane Sézalory also masters marketing codes by offering two annual collections and monthly collections with very limited quantities. This winning strategy triggers impulse purchases… The opening of the “Sézane Apartments” for direct sales further